Body by Milkshake
One especially sweet, thick IPA style and one extremely dry, thin one may have something good together when they combine signature elements.Cheers -
Kettle Sour Blanket Experiment
We tested whether a carbon dioxide blanket makes a difference in the production of kettle sours.
Cheers -
Kolsch-ish Ale
The simplicity of a well-done Kolsch can hit the same spot as a lager. This beer has a kolsch-like effect, with ingredients that aren’t traditional.Cheers -
Mega Omega Hazy DIPA
WeldWerks and Omega Yeast’s collab DIPA: when haze royalty meets Helio Gazer’s intense thiol potential, the results are Mega.Cheers -
Thiolized® Cold IPA
What’s in a name? That which we call an IPA by any other name would smell as hoppy…Cheers -
Thai Iced Tea Seltzer
How to make something sweet, tart, and social media-worthy, of course.Cheers -
Double Dry-Hopped Kvass
The butcher, the baker, the double dry-hopped beer maker… stop me if you’ve heard this one.Cheers -
Estery Schwarzbier Experiment
Even traditional styles can have a little fun and take a turn toward the strange. Come to the dark side…Cheers -
Genmaicha Green Tea Saison
Sharing a pint with someone signifies connectivity and conversation, like a liquid bridge. So why not build a bridge between the flavors found in beer and food, all in one glass?Cheers